Glengoyne Spirit of Oak series
Tasting the new travel retail selection
Glengoyne announced end of the last year that they will renew their travel retail selection. New Spirit of the Oak series was about to concentrate on how the cask affects the whisky. Finally, on March first bottles was available. Got my first bottles in June and they tell that bottlings have been done in January. […]
VYS ja huomisen klassikot, osa 27: Mikä ihmeen Craigellachie?
Craigellachie tasting
Osallistuin pari viikkoa takaperin Viskin Ystävien Seuran järjestämään Craigellachie tastingiin. Osuvasti nimetty tasting. Vielä vuosi sitten itsellenikin Craigellachie oli hyvin tuntematon tislaamo. Craigellachie paikkana oli tuttu ja upean sillan alla oli dramit käyty joskus nauttimassa. Tislaamohan toki niitti mainetta World’s Whiskies Awardsin valittua 31-vuotiaan 2017 vuoden parhaaksi single malt viskiksi. Ennen vuotta 2014 ja omistajanvaihdosta, […]
Update on Finnish Whisky Markets
I wrote an update of Finnish Whisky Markets last time on November and it’s time to refresh the situation. There has been couple new announcements of starting a whisky distilling, Pyynikin Käsityöläispanimo and Iso-Kallan Panimo. Both are breweries that had made beer already some time. Now they try to finance their growth with stock offerings. […]
Mitä tapahtuu Suomen viskimarkkinoilla
Tilannekatsaus 03/18
Koostin viimeksi marraskuussa tilannetta Suomen viskimarkkinoilla ja taas olisi aika päivittää kuulumisia. Olemme saaneet taas pari uutta ilmoitusta viskin tislauksen aloittamisesta Pyynikin Käsityöläispanimolta ja Iso-Kallan Panimolta. Molemmilla on samassa yhteydessä osakeantia. Aika näyttää oliko lupaukset viskistä vain sijoittajien houkuttelua vai toteutuvatko oikeasti. Pyynikin suunnalta en saanut mitään vastauksia viskin valmistuksen aloittamisesta. Tornion Panimo / Sangen […]
The Giant Master Class Tasting of Glengoyne
The best tasting of this year..or maybe even decade
Winter was in Västerås when I arrived there last Friday. It was finally the weekend I had been waiting like a kid waits for Christmas. I haven’t had chance to taste any Glengoyne whiskies from 60s or 70s before and now there was 20 different waiting for me in Glengoyne Masterclass tasting arranged by […]
Tislaamoesittely: Aberlour
The Distillery to Visit
Aloitan tällä uuden sarjani, jossa tulen esittelemään tislaamoja joissa olen vieraillut ja suosittelen myös muita vierailemaan. Olen tosin jo aiemmin useammassakin blogipostauksessa esitellyt suosikkitislaamoani Glengoynea. Aberlour kilpailee vahvasti kakkossijasta suosikkieni joukossa. Käytynä on lähes kaikki avoimen vierailukeskuksen omaavat tislaamot Skotlannissa. Tämän vuoden aikana tavoite on käydä ne loputkin ja päästä muutamaan, jotka eivät yleensä ota […]
Getting your own whisky cask from Finland
Land of thousand lakes has more than thousand whisky casks
There are at least five distilleries that produce whisky continuously in Finland. Many distilleries means many options to get your own cask from Finland. It’s also a traditional way to finance future of young distillery. Nice example of this is Swedish distillery Mackmyra. Best choices in Finland are available from Helsinki Distilling Company and Teerenpeli […]
Visiting the best distillery
Glengoyne distillery
Couple months ago, I got in a situation that I had couple extra days coming at Manchester in December. Didn’t take long for me to decide that Glasgow is near enough to go there instead. And in my case, can’t visit Glasgow without visiting Glengoyne Distillery. For all the distilleries I have so far visited, […]
Blind tasting: Kyrö Distillery Company Suomi 100 rye whisky vs. Helsinki Distilling Company batch 1 rye whiskey
There was lovely scent of rye in the air
We had superb week for finnish whisky lovers in November. Two new 3yo 100% rye whiskies in one week. Both distilleries were established 2014. Kyrö was released first ever finnish rye whisky in august and this was their second batch. Even though these batches were really small, 360 and 580 bottles I managed to get […]